The attraction of running live steam trains in the garden may be seen, below, as Gavin Cooper guides his Leek and Manifold Railway engine and its train around Ray and Brenda Waters'
Rheilffordd Pen-y-Llyn.
Photograph courtesy of Mike Barton.
This is a model railway group, which is associated with the 'Association of 16mm Narrow Gauge Modellers' and serves North West Wales and the Isle of Anglesey. The Group was formed in 2009 and presently has around 30 members, the majority of whom are based in the North West Wales area.
The aim of the group, is to encourage those who are actively engaged in or who have an interest in the art of modelling items of railway locomotives, rolling stock, track, signalling, and other railway infrastructure to the scale of 16mm to each imperial foot, or, to put it more simply to a scale of 1/19th the size of the prototype. Our group also extends a welcome to those who model in "G" scale, Gauge 3, 7/8ths and other similar "garden" scales and future events on members' railways built to those gauges and scales will be included in our Calender of Events for the group.
There are currently no membership fees payable in order to join or to be a member the of group, just an interest in the art of modelling in 16mm:1ft is all that is required. Our Privacy Policy details the data our Group retains about its Members.
Providing you are a member of the Association of 16mm Narrow Gauge Modellers, it does not matter what type of locomotive you own, and you will always be welcome to run it at any of our events unless specifically stated otherwise by the host who is holding the event. Details of the loading gauges, minimum radius of curves, etc. for each site may be found in our section on Forthcoming Events. Members of the group who are not also current members of the Association of 16mm Narrow Gauge Modellers will be required to provide proof of alternative insurance cover should they wish to run a live-steam locomotive at any of our events. It is the responsibility of the hosts of events to ensure that any person who wishes to run a live-steam locomotive at such an event is adequately covered by insurance - either by evidence of the current receipt from the membership secretary for the Association of 16mm Narrow Gauge Modellers or by an alternative document, such as a valid independent insurance certificate. A detailed list of the groups' future events and who to contact before your visit is available on our continually updated 'Forthcoming Events' page. Please note that the Forthcoming Events section of our website will also identify if any events are to be held on tracks that are provided with externally supplied traction power and it will be at the sole discretion of the host of that event as to whether alternative forms of power, such as onboard power sources, live-steam, etc. will also be run at the event.
All that remains for us to say now, is that no matter who you are, where you live in our region or are just visiting, whatever you run in 16mm, or indeed whatever aspect of railway modelling that you are interested in, please do come to one of our events ......
you will always be made most WELCOME!
Memories of Gary Jones and his garden line may be seen on the 6G Garten Bahn page